ROVIP impact survey participant information

What does my participation involve?

Sharing your experience with a Raise Our Voice Australia (ROVA) program.

What is the purpose of this research/project?

ROVA wants to learn more about the experience of participants in our programs. This will help us know whether we’re having our desired impact, or whether we need to revise our programs.

The data concerning engagement with WhyNot and its programs will be shared with WhyNot.

Email or internet distribution 

Individuals' responses will be shared on our website, in impact reports, and in pitch decks to partner organisations. From time to time, they may also be used in discussions with media, or opinion editorials. Participants will only be identified by their first name, age, and electorate, if their electorate is relevant to the context.

What are the possible benefits of taking part?

ROVA would like to amplify your voice and your experience, including your role as a change maker. We hope that sharing your story will help you feel more empowered, and will help support more young people to interact with policy and politics in the future.

What are the possible risks and disadvantages of taking part?

Raise Our Voice Australia does not foresee any risks of taking part.

Do I have to share my experience Raise Our Voice Australia’s programs?

Sharing your experience with our programs is completely voluntary. If you do not wish to take part, you do not have to. If you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the project at any stage, by letting us know at

If you do decide to take part, you will be given this Participant Information and will be required to provide consent prior to being taken to the submission form. You are free to withdraw at any point while completing the submission form without affecting your relationship with ROVA, either now or in the future. 

Your decision whether to take part or not to take part, or to take part and then withdraw, will not affect your current or future participation in ROVA programs/ activities.

What happens if I withdraw?

If you decide to withdraw, your speech and any data you have provided will be destroyed. You can withdraw at any stage.

What will happen to information about me?

For detailed information on how ROVA handles your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy. Data collected is individually identifiable, and will be stored on the cloud. Only the ROVA core team have access to this. The data will be stored for seven years, at which point it will be deleted.

By consenting to share your experience, you are also agreeing for your information to be added to our mailing list. All participants/ parents or guardians are welcome to unsubscribe at any time.

All records containing personal information will remain confidential and no information which could lead to identification of any individual will be released, unless required by law OR if individuals will be able to be identified, a statement should be included making them aware of this. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information.

What happens when the data collection ends?

We will create an impact report. The impact report will provide a high-level summary of our work, which will be shared on our website, impact reports, and in potential pitch decks to partners.

Who is organising and funding this activity?

This activity is being organised by ROVA. You will not benefit financially from your involvement in this research project even if, for example, knowledge acquired from your information/response proves to be of commercial value to ROVA. In addition, if knowledge acquired through this research leads to discoveries that are of commercial value to ROVA, there will be no financial benefit to you or your family from these discoveries. No member of the ROVA team will receive a personal financial benefit from your involvement in this campaign.

As WhyNot was a partner in the campaign, data relating to their participation in the campaign will be shared.

Further information and who to contact
The person you may need to contact will depend on the nature of your query.  If you want any further information concerning this project or if you have any problems which may be related to your involvement in the project, you can contact ROVA at hello@raiseourvoiceaustralia